- For our Elementary aged participants, we are launching a series called Live Bright, Shine Jesus' Light. Through this series, Elementary students will be learning that Jesus is the Light of the World and they can each shine God's light by using what they have to help others, making time to help others, and comforting others the way God comforts them.
- For our Middle School aged participants, we are launching a series called Cheat Codes. Through this series on wisdom and faith, Middle Schoolers will explore how God's Wisdom is like a cheat code, helping us win at life! Through rich conversations with one another and their Small Group Leaders, Middle Schoolers will think about how their character, their patience, and their word matters as they learn to live as disciples.
Wednesday, January 22 - Family Adoration at Epiphany, 6:30-7:30 pm
- Come experience this interactive Holy Hour designed specifically with children in mind! You will hear from scripture, sing songs of praise, and spend quiet time with Jesus truly present with us in the Blessed Sacrament.
Wednesday, January 29 - Family Game Night!
Wednesday, March 5 - Ash Wednesday Mass at Epiphany, 6:15 pm
- We will be providing a special opportunity for families after Mass to talk about Lenten Resolutions and make them together!
Wednesday, April 2 - Lenten Family Prayer and Reconciliation Service at Epiphany, 6:30 pm
- Take this special opportunity for families to come together about halfway through Lent for prayer and to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Activities for children who have not yet received first Reconciliation will be available.
Wednesday, April 30 - Easter Jam Celebration in the Epiphany Gym Building, 6:30 pm
- If you enjoyed our Christmas Party, you're going to LOVE Easter Jam! Come together with other families to celebrate the miracle of Easter and God's ever renewing love for us and for His church!
Wednesday, May 7 - May Crowning and End of Year Celebration at Epiphany, 6:30 pm